The following selection was not included in That Line of Darkness: The Shadow of Dracula and the Great War (
Editions, 2012)
because it did not fit into the overarching thesis and for reasons of space.
Schlieffen Plan |
The war in the west began when Moltke, with certain
variations, put into operation a decade-old memorandum, the Schlieffen Plan in
order to achieve a quick and overwhelming victory over France. It would be an
all-enveloping attack that would involve the mobilization of three armies
constituting the right wing that would sweep through Belgium and across
northwestern France outflanking the enemy and turning around Paris from the
west and pinning the French forces from behind against their eastern fortresses.
A weaker left wing of two armies would be deployed to the east in order to
resist an expected offensive from France that would attempt to liberate the
provinces of Alsace and Lorraine lost in 1870. Within six weeks, his plan was
that the British, whom he assumed would intervene, and a French contingent
could be bottled up in Belgium while the main French force would be crushed in
Lorraine by a German pincer that would result in knocking the French out of the
In this way, Germany could avoid a two-front war as most of
its army could be transported east to reinforce the two divisions that had been
in a defensive position against the Russians whom they believed would be slow
to mobilize because of the logistics of poor transportation and the vast distances
within its Empire. Although the German army marched within thirty miles of
Paris, the city did not collapse despite the panic retreat of 700,000 civilians
that included its government and entire civil service to Bordeaux.
One reason was that, contrary to all
expectations, the Russians attacked East Prussia driving the Germans forces
temporarily back and occupying briefly two-thirds of the province while driving
refugees westward as they plundered and burned villages. Moltke, who would
himself become a casualty of the Schlieffen failure when Wilhelm sacked him,
panicked and shipped 60,000 men from his right flank to the Eastern Front. His
decision was a pivotal one because it might have prevented the Germans from
successfully defeating the French. It was not even welcomed by the new
commander of the First Army in the East, General Ludendorff. Ironically, the
Russians, who were forced to retreat from East Prussia after the German First
Army regrouped, profitably served German propaganda as it could claim that
Germany was fighting a defensive war against a barbaric Slavic invasion.
General Von Moltke |
The brief incursion
by the Russians provided stark images that “gave more concrete form to fears of
a Russian steamroller…conjuring nightmare scenes of waves of bloodthirsty Cossacks
and giant peasant soldiers bearing down on Berlin.” The propaganda
notwithstanding, Germans did remember a particularly brutal Russian occupation
of East Prussia, when “the Russian army resembled migrating rats which, in
times of great destruction, forsake their hiding places in the Siberian tundra
in order to eat bare the settled lands. Ever fresh hordes come forth in a brown
milling mass from the seething steppe.”
Despite the hysterical tales of refugees flooding into Berlin that told
“of heads being cut off, children being burned, women raped”—stories that
echoed their Belgian counterparts who inundated London—the Russians behaved
better in East Prussia than the Germans when the latter retreated. The Germans
themselves in 1915 estimated that only one hundred of their civilians had been
executed. But the Russians behaved
toward the non-Russian minorities in a barbarous fashion as they evacuated
hundreds of thousands of Poles, Lithuanians, Latvians and Jews that lived on
the outer edges of the Russian Empire to the interior.
But there were other
factors that contributed to the German inability to deliver a knockout victory.
The small but professional British Expeditionary Force, (BEF) assessed as the
“most efficient and dangerous fighting force of its size in the world at that
moment” and responsible for preventing
Russia and France from being defeated in a few months inflicted murderous casualties against the
Germans at the town of Mons in Belgium despite facing a numerically superior
force. Without informing their ally, the French withdrawal forced the British,
who were now overwhelmingly outnumbered by the Germans, into an exhausting
fourteen-day, 200-mile retreat in the heat of August where they left behind
20,000 dead, injured or captured. Moreover,
the German General Staff never did the spadework on the logistics of
transporting and feeding packhorses 14.4 miles every day for three weeks that
carried the heavy weapons, and thousands of horses died of starvation and
exhaustion. As they marched through France, the horses could not keep up with
the infantry; therefore, the awesome firepower deployed in Belgium could not be
replicated in France. Moltke’s commander on the right wing also made a tactical
error when he impetuously veered his forces south-east bypassing Paris on its
right thereby creating a dangerous gap between it and the Second Army and
permitting BEF to move into the gap.
The existence of a Schlieffen Plan has been called into
question in a revisionist monograph by Terence Zuber, Inventing the Schlieffen Plan: German War Planning, 1871-1914 (New
York: Oxford University Press, 2002). He argues that Schlieffen’s 1905
memorandum was an argument for more troops, not a real war plan, and that
he favoured a defensive-offensive
approach to counter a French attack into Lorraine, believing that superior use
of Germany’s internal rail network could offset the danger, even if it meant
weakening the right wing. Instead of there being a grand encirclement and a
single crushing battle, there would be several conventional battles, perhaps
the most important being in Lorraine. I attempt to synthesize the two schools
of historiography by suggesting that Moltke’s 1914 strategy bore a strong
resemblance to the 1905 memorandum, and that the latter was less a master plan
than a guideline that Moltke adapted according to circumstances as he
understood on the ground.
Germans at the Marne |
During that mobile period of August 1914 when Allied troops
were either engaged in defensive fighting or retreating, casualties were worse
than at any stage of the war with the British, French and Belgians suffering
237,000. The French sustained ninety percent of them largely due to their
brightly coloured uniforms and their almost suicidal offensive into the Alsace
and Lor
raine. At the same time, Germans casualties reached a quarter of a
million. Yet a consolidated French army, plus all available reserves that were
taxied to the front, supported by a revitalized BEF, stopped the German
juggernaut at the Marne River in September when an inconclusive stalemate
denied the Germans the successful shock assault that they had anticipated,
forcing them into fighting the two-front war that they had dreaded. Later the
German authorities, who never informed their citizens what really happened at
the Marne—the withdrawal was disguised as “repositioning”—declared that their forces had never been
defeated on the battlefield, but at this river, they did experience a major
setback forcing them to retreat to high ground, dig trenches, site machine guns
and set up barbed-wire entanglements. The Allies responded in kind as both
sides burrowed themselves into the ground from the Channel to Switzerland,
territory that covered a continuous almost five hundred miles that developed
into a complex network of trenches that crisscrossed the landscape. As the
belligerents attempted to outflank each other as they moved inexorably north,
the British clashed with the Germans at the medieval fortress at Ypres, (the
first of three devastatingly lethal encounters for both sides) which again
deprived them of a decisive victory. For the next three and one half years,
until the last German offensive in the spring of 1918, the armies of the
British and the French confronted the Germans in a dance of death, a war of
attrition in which movement was measured in yards not miles. This type of
warfare was not unique, as it had been featured in the American Civil War, the
Boer War and the Russo-Japanese War, but it was novel in its scale and
Once the Schlieffen Plan (or the Moltke Improvisation)
foundered, the Germans entrenched themselves in the strip of northeastern
France where much of their mining and heavy industry was located, leaving the
French with nothing to negotiate and a powerful incentive for not allowing to
flag their sense of purpose, that of driving the invaders from their country.
Germany also occupied almost the entire country of Belgium that resulted in the
acute stress if not the outright terrorization of eleven million civilians for
over four years. The degree of effective Belgium military resistance and
whether it upset the crucial timing of the Schlieffen Plan has not found
consensus among historians. What is clear is that King Albert defied the German
ultimatum by refusing it the right to breach Belgium sovereignty and neutrality
with an open road through its country. When the vaunted right wing of the
German army invaded, the fortress city of Liege held out for eleven days when
the Germans calculated that it would fall within forty-eight hours. But the fortresses
were no match for the overwhelming German firepower of large cannons, Big
Berthas, which pulverized them. But Belgium military resistance there and at
Antwerp did allow time for the British to land and provide support to the
French and Belgian forces. Belgium’s actions enraged the army commanders and
civilians became the scapegoats for their anger.
Big Bertha |
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