The following selection was deleted from the chapter The Illusions and Realities of Total War in That Line of Darkness:The Shadow of Dracula and the Great War (
Encompass Editions, 2011) for reasons of space.
Depending on their status, the prisoners-of-war experienced
both material deprivation and psychological trauma. Because the belligerents
generally abided by the rules of the Hague Convention, they generally treated
POWs better than what a later generation received in the Second World War.
Officers, who were not even required to work, were treated considerably better
than enlistees. Jean Renoir’s 1937 masterly antiwar film,
La Grande Illusion, conveys class distinctions, but in the end
national allegiance trumps class. Although all the French prisoners-of-war are
officers, a French enlisted soldier, Maréchal, who has worked his way through
the ranks, is sent into solitary confinement for leading the singing of the
Marseillaise during a theatrical review, a punishment that would not have been
visited upon the French aristocrat. The German officer in charge of the
medieval castle, Count von Rauffenstein, still clings to the notion of an
international brotherhood of class that transcends nationalism which he and his
immaculately dressed French counterpart, the aristocratic and fellow
professional officer, Boeldieu, belong. Although he displays a haughty disdain
for his fellow prisoners in the first part of the film, by heroically setting
himself up as a decoy to allow Maréchal, the man of the people, and the
Jew, Rosenthal, to escape, Boeldieu aligns himself with an inclusive civic
French nationalism that embraces all classes and ethnic groups. But the film
for all its memorable moments sanitizes the physical conditions of the men. In
the real camps that vastly varied in quality even those that housed officers,
hunger remained an urgent rendered it difficult for the Germans to feed their
prisoners. It was only through the efforts of the Red Cross that food parcels
from France generally arrived saving the prisoners from starvation. Still,
about 20,000 British servicemen died in German prisoner-of-war camps from
ill-treatment, starvation and disease, mostly from dysentery.
It was much worse for POWs on the eastern
front where malnourishment and disease claimed a much larger number of lives.
Boeldieu (Pierre Fresnay) and Count von Rauffenstein (Erich von Stroheim) |
Besides nutrition, lack of sanitation, dirt floors and bunks
that collapsed constituted the living quarters of some Canadian POWs. The work
assigned could range from relatively pleasant agricultural work to dangerous
work in mines or railroads presided over cruel overseers. The POWs also
contended with psychological difficulties since there was a stigma associated
with soldiers who surrendered “because of the persistence of the
nineteenth-century military ethos, which held to be captured could have only
resulted from some personal failing on the part of the soldier.” The belief
that a missing person was too good a soldier to be taken prisoner encapsulated
this form of thinking. The stigma was reinforced with military regulations that
required every returning POW be subjected to a board of inquiry to determine
whether there was some misconduct on his part. In terms of the vast numbers who
fought relatively few surrendered on the western front, in part because of this
stigma, that might account for the reluctance of soldiers to include this
experience in their memoirs or fiction after the war. There were also fears
that they would be summarily executed by the enemy, one reason being to avoid a
scenario in which the enemy on pretending to surrender would then fire at
soldiers whose defenses were relaxed, and that they would be shot by a senior
officer if they attempted to surrender. In his memoir, Robert Graves,
acknowledged that prisoners were murdered on the way back to headquarters, the
worst offenders being Canadians and Australians, out of revenge for the deaths
of friends, jealously of the prisoners spending the rest of the war in a
comfortable prison, military enthusiasm or fear of being overpowered by the
Despite these dangers,
soldiers on both sides did surrender or face dying, and when they were
convinced that they would not be shot, they surrendered in large numbers.
British POWs |
example, on March 21, 1918, the first day of the last major German offensive,
storm troopers, because of their overwhelmingly numerical superiority, surprise
artillery bombardment and the deployment of a toxic gases, captured over ninety
eight square miles and 21,000 British soldiers (even though German casualties
vastly exceeded that of the British). In the subsequent Allied
counter-offensive launched in the summer of that year, an estimated 340,000
Germans surrendered, convinced that the war was lost, between July 18 and the armistice.
Probably some of the prisoners saw the camps
as preserving them from the trenches but they seemed to have been a small
minority. They were more likely to experience "the doldrums" as shame and
—Captain Charles de Gaulle, wounded and captured at Verdun, described
confinement as “a grief that will end only with my life”
—could harden into a “barbed-wire
psychosis,” a feeling of uselessness brought on by his separation from his
family and his country, his lack of privacy and an ignorance about the duration
of the captivity.
German POWs under French control |
An antidote to the shame and recover his honour was for the
prisoner to expend his energy on attempting to escape, a facet of prison life
that is vividly rendered in La Grande Illusion. He regarded the need to escape
as his duty so that he could rejoin the struggle. Those that attempted to
escape and recaptured faced even greater punishment from beatings, starvation
diet or long periods of solitary confinement, even though there is no evidence
that they were executed after capture. Or they were transferred to a
disciplinary camp where they could be used as human shields returned in the war
zone and placed in the humiliating position as combatants, but against their
own country. Their situation was materially similar to the civilian men and
women who were shipped to work behind enemy lines and while the artillery and
guns of their fellow citizens put them in constant danger of being killed or
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